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For When you can't get out

Simply, if it's icy or snowy and you can't get out to get something simple from the shops or the chemist's, send us a message and we'll try and do it for you!
There's a dead easy message box below. Just type something in, click send and we'll be in touch.

Not everyone has family nearby and sometimes they have to be at work or school
Send us an email and a telephone number if you can and we'll call you back. Don't worry, we won't ever give your email address or 'phone number away. We are a non-profit-making organisation just helping out in Forest Hall.

We can't do your full shop and you probably won't need us unless the weather's shocking but if you can't get out and you need some milk or something, just send us a message. We don't charge anything and there's no catch.
What's in it for us? Well, I saw a lady walking to the shops in the snow this morning and she nearly fell a few times. It just seems daft to risk a broken hip for a pint of milk or some paracetamol. Send us a message and we'll nip out and do it for you. You might have to wait until we're back from work but, hey, we're free.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”
Mark Twain
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